
Critic in Magazine

Von der Einheit des differenzierten Zusammenspiels

Drei Kammermusikprofis begeistern mit der dialogisch geführten Emotionalität der Extreme in Schuberts Klaviertrio op. 100.

Lodernde Emotionen kennzeichnen Shakespeares ‘Hamlet’: Liebe, Tod, Einsamkeit, Angst, Todessehnsucht, Wahnsinn – es sind durchweg heftige Gefühlswallungen, die den Protagonisten entgegenschlagen. Nicht minder stark, aber intimer treten sie in Franz Schuberts Musik hervor. Das fasziniert den Pianisten Paolo Giacometti, die Geigerin Candida Thompson und die Cellistin Xenia Jankovic. Verbunden im Hamlet Piano Trio, bergen sie mit aller gebotenen Sensibilität Schuberts Empfindsamkeit.

Quote from The Sunday Times

The excellent British, Serbian-Russian and Dutch-Italian Hamlet piano trio, on period instruments, give the richly inventive finale uncut — all 19 minutes of it — and it’s not a second too long. Occasionally, the 1826 piano’s bass chords sound uncomfortably gruff. Otherwise, all is pleasure.

New CD release of Hamlet Piano Trio –  Ludwig van Beethoven Opus 70 & 121

The second CD release of Hamlet Piano Trio (violinist Candida Thompson, cellist Xenia Jankovic and pianist Paolo Giacometti) – Beethoven Trios.
Once again Hamlet Piano Trio had an adventure playing on gut strings, classical bows and the beautiful Salvatore Lagrassa, 1815 piano from the Edwin Beunk collection. This opens up new expressions and creates a different sound world, every nuance of emotion or thought that has been experienced becomes more rooted, there is more edge, so many small details are more vivid in colour and articulation which gives a very different picture of the whole.
